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Rocky Mountain Gardening: Plants and seeds to exchange, 1 by pajaritomt

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Photo of Plants and seeds to exchange
pajaritomt wrote:
This is not a good time for digging iris, however. They are just starting to bloom, so I personally will not bring any other than those which have finished blooming for the year -- which will definitely not include the usual kind, Tall Bearded. I will bring some dwarfs if they have finished by then, though. And I will mail extras when digging time comes in July or August.
As for daylilies, this isn't the right time to dig them either, because they haven't bloomed yet either, but you can have my red ones because they are too tight together to bloom right how. They didn't bloom last year either. So I will bring the red iris. They are nice, but not terribly impressive. I have them here and there all over the yard. This clump is in the regular lily bed and has to go. Mtnmama's Ed Murray's will be nicer -- but please feel free to take mine. They do make a nice fountainey landscape plant. And the flowers are okay. Here is a picture:

Also here is the plant files picture of Ed Murray which mtnmama is offering. I will want a piece of that one, too! Very nice. But Ed Murray and my unknown are not the same. You might want both.