Photo by Melody
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Mid-Atlantic Gardening: Spring peeking Vol. 2, 1 by Gitagal

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Photo of Spring peeking Vol. 2
Gitagal wrote:
Well--FINALLY! A nice day and i am off from work at the same time! Wonders will never cease!
Worked my tail off outside today! As much as i could--taking a break to eat a late lunch/early dinner while watching Dr. Phil and Oprah.

--Mowed my lawn for the first time today....SO thick and succulent! Had to go slow....
--Raked all the leaves out of my flower beds and bagged them all
--Loosened the soil around my Roses (7 of them), fertilized them and gave them their
only seasonal dose of Epsom Salts (promotes new canes from the base).
--Mulched all the Roses (after fertilizing) and the Peonies...
--Put rabbit fencing around the bed where my Spinach is sprouting. Where the Birch was.
--And--after my break--I finally planted out my flat-full +one(that's 42) Violas here and
there. I hope they ARE perennial???? Would love to see them blooming again next

My body said "STOP!!!" So now I am inside now! It is so hard to get all your bones and back used to this kind of activity AGAIN after a winter of nothing too physical! OUCH!

I am off tomorrow too--and if it is not raining--will continue.....

--On the agenda is spraying all my Roses and my Butterfly Bushes.
--Need to mark the clumps of daffs. that are to crowded and did not bloom, DIG UP!
Something to share! Buy new ones and plant...gotta mark the spots!
--BIG! BIG! Project I am not looking forward to.....Taking apart my S.E.M. (composter)
and separating the NOT composted from the GOOD stuff at the bottom and then
putting the "NOT" back in and hoping this stupid earth machine (S.E. M.) lasts another
year! It is all cracked at the rim....

Hmmmmmmmmmm..and--as long as it is so nice--I just may take all my "babies" (seedlings) and cuttings out for some fresh air--in the shade--of my front steps.....

OK! I digressed.....This IS about Spring Peeking....
Took some pictures today. Nothing spectacular, mind you...just sharing.....

Here's a full view of those clump, fragrant daffodils I posted above and people were trying to ID. This may help?