Photo by Melody

Voting Booth: What size is the property that you garden on??, 1 by woofie

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Image Copyright woofie

In reply to: What size is the property that you garden on??

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Photo of What size is the property that you garden on??
woofie wrote:
We have 20 acres, but I don't get to use much of it. My DH hogs up most of the land for growing alfalfa and providing grazing for his goats, who try to eat everything I try to grow. I've staked out about a 16 foot perimeter around the dog kennel (it's 30ft x 50ft, so that's a fair amount of space) for a container garden, but keeping the goats away on one side and the dog from shredding stuff through the fence on her side is a challenge! This is an aerial photo taken in the dead of summer, so it's not very green, and before we put in the garden. If you look closely, you might be able to make out the little cluster of goats below the red barn. :-)