Photo by Melody
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Weather: Sept. Daily Weather, Part III What's happening in your yard?, 1 by marsue

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Image Copyright marsue

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Photo of Sept. Daily Weather, Part III What's happening in your yard?
marsue wrote:
Dyson: I'm liking our somewhat cooler weather, but it isn't sweatshirt weather yet--at least not in the daytime. I'm not liking the darker mornings nor the earlier night times.
Kiska: pretty purple flower
Pepper: nothing like a perfect day in autumn! (or spring)
Sharon: we had a lot of titmouses (titmice?) and chickadees at our other house. I miss them--it was fun to watch them at my feeder by the kitchen window.

Today; Sunny
High 86°F
Precip 10%
Wind: NNE 7 mph
Max. Humidity: 60%
UV Index: 7 High
Sunrise: 6:58 AM CT
Avg. High: 82°F
Record High: 90°F (1986)
Tonight; Clear
Overnight Low 60°F
Precip 10%
Wind: N 5 mph
Max. Humidity: 78%
Sunset: 7:01 PM CT
Avg. Low: 57°F
Record Low: 38°F (1994)

These very tiny flowers are growing in our lawn--I caught sight of them the other day and snapped a pic.