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Rural Gardening: Nother Hunky Roo...Chat-a-Doodle-Doo #6, 1 by DustyDS

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Image Copyright DustyDS

In reply to: Nother Hunky Roo...Chat-a-Doodle-Doo #6

Forum: Rural Gardening

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Photo of Nother Hunky Roo...Chat-a-Doodle-Doo #6
DustyDS wrote:
We had rain here Thursday and all night, so it made tilling up my rose garden beds a real easy job...We have wind advisory for today, but the sun is shining...I'm going to till up my veggie garden patch today, and the beds in the secret garden...then get them all raked up...I have some mulch, but need more, so I will get that next weekend...
I have a disabled Vet coming to live with us sometime after Oct 3rd, so I have a few things inside to get done before he gets here, so I really needed to get this done this weekend...

The Farmer is finally getting his things out of the Brooder house, so I will be able to get that revamped for my chickens come spring...I had another DG Chicken Head dmail me about my Sumatrans with some valued info I needed to know, so I am going to wait till winter is over before I start my flock...I guess I am going to have to get my guns out and dust them off and load them...Apparently we have a serious coyote problem just north of us...They have been taking chickens, and now some sheep have been hit too...Farmer has moved all of the goats on this farm up to the pens nearer the barn...He has 60 acres not far from here with another 200 goats on it, and an Anatolian shepherd to guard them, but no dog here...I am tempted to go ahead and get my Pyrenees and offer it to guard these on my property...but he has them divided into so many pens, plus the barn, the dog would go crazy trying to be everywhere at once...

Here is the start of my rose beds...there will also be some ground plants in there as well...