Photo by Melody
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Weather: August Daily Weather, What's happening in your yard?, 1 by marsue

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Image Copyright marsue

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Photo of August Daily Weather, What's happening in your yard?
marsue wrote:
HOORAY!! I heard from Joey last night and she is fine--has had computer problems and hasn't had time to get to her local library to get online there to let us know anything. So glad all is well with you, Joey!
Rann: your path is going to be lovely but that is quite a backbreaking job you have tackled. Do be careful and don't work too hard! Your rose is lovely.
kiska: love the hiking photos--what a view! The gkids seem to be having a good time! :o))
Dyson: good luck with your move. We'll miss you while you are away from DG. Thanks for letting us know where you will "be".
Another scorcher predicted for today. DH was out watering early this morning. Everything dries out so fast in this heat.
Mostly Sunny High 101°F
Precip 20%
Wind: NW 7 mph
Max. Humidity: 55%
UV Index: 10 Very High
Sunrise: 6:18 AM CT
Avg. High: 92°F
Record High: 103°F (1987)
Partly Cloudy
Overnight Low 75°F
Precip 10%
Wind: NE 6 mph
Max. Humidity: 73%
Sunset: 8:09 PM CT
Avg. Low: 68°F
Record Low: 53°F (1997)

There are two bumblebees in this photo--find them if you can! LOL They were moving so fast that it was hard for me to find them with the camera.