Photo by Melody

Wildlife: Heidi Chronicles: Enjoying the Antics of the Kids!, 1 by DreamOfSpring

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Photo of Heidi Chronicles: Enjoying the Antics of the Kids!
DreamOfSpring wrote:
I wish that you could watch Diva after she has eaten a marshmallow. She is like a drunk. She flips out, looses her mind, and goes on some kind of crazy sugar high after her 1st mm. Then she stands upright and starts acting like the annoying drunk at parties. She wants more mm's, lots more, and she'll do anything no matter how ridiculous to attract attention to herself to get them. It's almost impossible to adequately describe her behavior on mm's. It's the sort of thing you would have to see.

Having forgotten this, I made the mistake of tossing her one. Heidi and the kids were there at the time. In fact, all 3 of Heidi's kids were at my feet arguing over their marshmallows and grapes. Meanwhile, Diva who was just over my left shoulder kept making noises (which I cannot even characterize) to let me know she wanted another mm and another and another. I was trying to concentrate my attention on the kids at my feet. I was having enough difficulty trying to keep up with the 3 of them, but every minute or so I could hear Diva standing on hind legs and carrying on to my left and i had to toss her another mm to calm her down - or at least to keep her occupied.

Apparently I wasn't getting the mm to her fast enough, so Diva came around the tractor scoot to my left, still dancing around on her hind legs, salivating, and begging for another mm. Heidi's kids were just to the right and in front of my feet, so she was not at all happy to see the crazed and drunken Diva "wearing the lampshade hat" and dancing around acting silly so close to her progeny. Heidi let out a growl to warn Diva that her behavior was getting over the line. Diva cut it out - for a minute, then popped up somewhere else in the area still with the goofy look on her face, still dancing around wearing the lampshade making a ____ of herself and still begging for more mm's. I'm telling you. It's very strange how she reacts to mm's. I mean, the "girl's" not wrapped too tight to start with, but give her one mm and ...

Below is "Diva's brain on marshmallows"