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Weather: August Daily Weather #III Summer's winding down!!!, 1 by music2keep

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Photo of August Daily Weather #III  Summer's winding down!!!
music2keep wrote:
Mornin! The temp is 79* here, too. I've been out watering all the flowers, giving the Rhodo a good soaking. I've lost one of them. :( Can't figure it out...I have an Azalea close to the one that has kicked the bucket & the Azalea is doing Great. Oh, well...I'm still watering it & keeping my fingers crossed.

Ric, thanks for clearing up the problem I've had w/my Shamrock in the winter. No matter what I've done (much special attention) it always dies back. Once I take it outside...Voila! And thanks for the scientific name! :D
Sharon, we had some clouds like that (yesterday), but they failed to produce some rain that folks near by got. A town that is like 7 minutes away got 1.30 inches yesterday. We had some of their thunder & lightning, but that was it. :(

Well, I'm off to Wally World then to Sandstone Falls!

Have a Great Week End! :D