Photo by Melody

Japanese Maples: I've been pruning again, 1 by missingrosie

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Photo of I've been pruning again
missingrosie wrote:
Serves me right for not doing my homework. Your tree is beautiful by the way.

I looked at the very top and the leaves are all the right size but I don't see any variegation. Almost all the wood on the tree is that grey/white, except for that one part of the trunk crotch which is green and a few splotches here and there. I did look again and there are no obvious nodes where it looks like things were trimmed. So about this reverting back..what will happen besides it not looking as good colorwise? Will it grow out of the shape it is supposed to be?

I will upload a few other "sides" ..just so you can see the 'bones' I saw when I purchased. You would think the landscape guys would have sited it to its advantage in the overall plan... My fault for not staying home from work.. Now, the best sides are viewed from the back where there is no pathway approach. Should I drag the fellow that I worked with (landscaper/nursery) back here? Or, is this just a known risk (the reverting back) and too bad for me? If it is just destined to be an ugly duckling, I will dig it up..put it on the side of the house..(provided it isn't going to turn into a giant) and then find a Japanese Maple that can take the sun and remain somewhat small for this spot (believe it or not, I did do my homework..that is how I ended up with the butterfly). Thanks so much for staying with this thread and answering my questions.