Photo by Melody

Wildlife: Heidi: Now Where The Heck Are Those Kids?, 0 by DreamOfSpring

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Image Copyright DreamOfSpring

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Photo of Heidi: Now Where The Heck Are Those Kids?
DreamOfSpring wrote:
Note to self: don't plan a big raccoon bash during the week of the 4th! Although it took a while most of them did eventually show up, probably because they didn't get to eat here] last night, but everybody was all jumpy and acting weird - except HRH who seemed oddly unconcerned about anything.

Heidi came down while it was still light out and ate like it was her last meal. She was very jumpy about all of the noise in the neighborhood. As soon as she had eaten enough to knock the edge off her hunger - most of 1 bowl of food - she left and returned later after dark to eat again. For her 2nd meal she ate at the dish in front of me. She ate and ate and ate and ate...I had to keep tossing her more food by the handfuls. I don't know where she put it all. (Hmm. 2 meals with a gap in between. Do raccoons regurgitate food for the young ones like wild dogs do?) No matter what I offered her, she ate kitten food, kitten food, and kitten food!

Here is Heidi during her 2nd meal. The Caption for this picture is, "This is what happens when Mom feels bad about not feeding me lfor one night" In the photo you will see 2 center cut, 1" think pork loin chops (left), a container of strawberry fruit on the bottom yogurt, meow mix cat food, Iams kitten food, and seedless red grapes.