Photo by Melody

Coleus: It's 4AM, 1 by jadajoy

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Image Copyright jadajoy

Subject: It's 4AM

Forum: Coleus

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Photo of It's 4AM
jadajoy wrote:
Night Owl Thread
Being up at this hour of the day usually means I can't sleep for various reasons or haven't gotten to bed yet for various reasons. I know I'm not the only one awake at this hour but it feels like it.

It has its advantages.
Its quiet for a change
I can think about things with no distractions
If I stay up long enough I can watch the sun rise

It has its disadvantages

Its too dark to work in the garden
There's nothing on TV

This morning the things on my mind:
Why always 4AM?

Why my house guests keep saying " ALL those coleus!" Don't they get it?

Why doesn't coleus grow from a bulb so I can just dig them up or mulch them over and replant them in the spring?

Why the coleus I really love are the ones I have the most problems with, and the ones I ignore grow the best?

Anyway feel free to add your early morning musings to this thread.
Good night.