Photo by Melody

Wildlife: Heidi: Just Hanging Out, Kids In Nursery, 1 by DreamOfSpring

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Image Copyright DreamOfSpring

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Photo of Heidi: Just Hanging Out, Kids In Nursery
DreamOfSpring wrote:
June, Thank you for the wonderful compliment!

I have broadband so sometimes I may forget and let the threads grow a bit long. If ever you start having trouble connecting don't hesitate to let me know that it's time to start a new one.

Aren't they adorable when they are fishing? To think that I originally put the fruit in the pool to encourage them to get in it. LOL because that joke was on me. Also, in the beginning I only put one dog biscuit in there because I was afraid it would get soggy if no one wanted it. After they started fighting over the pool and its contents, I tossed all of the remaining grapes and dog biscuits in there. This morning when I went out to check, there wasn't anything but a few handfuls of sand left on the bottom of the pool. I keep forgetting that they LIKE their food submerged in water, soggy or not.

At one point last night I was tossing things into the pool from some 12ft or more away WHILE Fraidy was in the pool. Not only did the "kerplunk" of things falling into the pool around her not frighten her, she seemed even more excited at the sight of all those things "diving" into the pool with her, more stuff to fish out.

Here is Fraidy drinking from the tool shelf under the garden seat. This, of course, was taken the night before the pool appeared. Back then many times they would carry the dog biscuits over to the garden seat to dunk them.