Photo by Melody

Trees, Shrubs and Conifers: It's about time...Yellowwood, 0 by ViburnumValley

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Forum: Trees, Shrubs and Conifers

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Photo of It's about time...Yellowwood
ViburnumValley wrote:
Way to jump right in there while I was away in a meeting!

Can't wait to see the 'Perkin's Pink' growing in the Frigid North™.

Yellowwood in the sunny south -- good question. My travels and flight paths haven't taken me to the Deep South much, so I'll plead nolo contendere there. References will help answer that; why not start with the PlantFiles info here:

Seems like the belief is tolerance down to zone 8b. Here's the USDA's info, with distribution maps.

Seems to show some likelihood of value for south AL and MS. Some checking with more local folks at universities and botanical gardens would be most valuable.

Meanwhile, here's a bad picture of a formerly really big old specimen in Lexington KY that I used to get to work around back in the late 1980s. It was around 60 years old then. I think I saw it finally succumbing to life's traumas 6-8 years ago.