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Caudiciforms: Does this Jatropha look okay?, 1 by baileykat

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Image Copyright baileykat

Subject: Does this Jatropha look okay?

Forum: Caudiciforms

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Photo of Does this Jatropha look okay?
baileykat wrote:
When I got it a about 1.5 months back, it was firmly planted in its pots, watered it thoroughly once since I got it. A few days ago, I poked the caudex to check if it hasn't turned soft or what not, and it lifted. Thought it was weird, because I poked it every once in awhile just to check before, it never even budge (sorry, can't help it, this thing is so This thing don't seem to have gone dormant yet, since it still have foliage and growing new one. Did I wait too long to water? I was told to water it only once a month, and in november stop watering to prepare for dormancy. Maybe it's going dormant now that's why the roots isn't anchoring to the soil anymore?
This is how it look like when I took it out of the pot yesterday, one of the root just broke in half. Caudex's still firm, there are only 2 big roots, and the rest are little stubs, not too many either. I repotted it right away after checking. If this helps at all, the plant has been inside the house ever since I got it. Gets plenty of good light from the window.
What do you think? Does it still look healthy? Hope it's not dying or anything.
Thanks in advance for taking the time to look and for any advice...!