Photo by Melody

Hibiscus: Hibiscus Cuttings, 1 by DavidFranzman

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Forum: Hibiscus

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Photo of Hibiscus Cuttings
DavidFranzman wrote:
Hi Ladies

Yes Alice that's right. Some of these hybrids won't root on their own or if they do they just don't do well because they have a weak root system. If you root a hybrid and it gets maybe 12" tall but doesn't go anywhere from there it's probably a root problem.

Hi Crystal and thank you.

Hi Ann With H. rosa sinensis you should keep some leaf material. How much depends on how large a cutting you have. Usually you want to have a cutting that includes at least three leaf nodes...four is better. You want the top node to actually have a leaf on it. If it's a large leaf cut the leaf in half or more. If the leaves are the very top branch them keep two or three of these very small leaves. Leaves can continue to make some energy for the cutting. Lastly remember that the best cutting usually is the one that transistions from wood/brown to green. This section has the most energy and can be the most productive for making roots. I hope that makes sense...
