Photo by Melody

Memory Garden: (Frankay) Frank Young, 1 by Frankay

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In reply to: (Frankay) Frank Young

Forum: Memory Garden

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Photo of (Frankay) Frank Young
Frankay wrote:
My Friends,
I have been visiting your words when I am strong enough, and I want you to know that you do bring me some peace knowing that you are thinking of both of us. I already have started working my shift at the store (6am-9am) and tommorrow, I will also return to the cattery around 10:00am, after I feed the dogs.
I still am in a strange fog. I am able to drag myself out of bed in the morning, but a numbness follows me and time has become skewed and senseless to me. What I feel in my heart is beyond description....
Both sets of my bosses have become surrogate family. They come over, they call; they try to guide me thru and help me find my feelings. My employer at the cattery, Richard and Peggy Wilson, have just about adopted me as a sister (Richard ran over to the hospital to retrieve me when this horror happened) I have been blessed with being surrounded by people in an inner circle who cry alongside me...
Frankay's brother, sister and mother have brought me into their hearts and have given me courage. One thing that has sadly come to me is that I never thought to tell Frank how very special his mother really is. Here is a woman who just turned 80 in June, is widowed 13 years and has just lost her son, and is now facing results on a suspicious breast mass...and she is rallying for me. Please send your positive energy for Nita.
And, of course, all of you at DG. You have delighted both Frank and myself with your good humour, your insight and support, empathy, smiles , hopes and dreams. I will always be here, I will always be grateful, and I will always find friends has my Frankey.
Thank you, from every fibre in my body. I never knew anyone, literally, who didn't like Frank, and I am so happy (but not suprised) that he found friends here....
Leslie (and Frank)