Photo by Melody

Perennials: Making a new 'lasagna bed' for perennials?, 1 by tabasco

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Image Copyright tabasco

Subject: Making a new 'lasagna bed' for perennials?

Forum: Perennials

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Photo of Making a new 'lasagna bed' for perennials?
tabasco wrote:

Hi, everybody--

We got the idea that we needed more garden space in order to divide and plant our perennials this fall.

So I looked on the Internet for basic instructions for a 'lasagna bed' and found some lists of ingredients and suggestions for 'how to's'.

The thing is, we don't have all the 'kitchen scraps' and lawn cuttings etc. to make the layers so I got hold of some straw and 'mushroom compost' and pine bark nuggets and made some layers (12 inches high)...

Now, my question--does anyone here have experience with planting perennial divisions right into the new layered bed?

If so, how did your lasagna bed work out the next season?

Here is one of my main sources of info--she seemed to think her bed was a success...

Any advice would be appreciated. t.