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Florida Gardening: Woo Hoo Where are all the Centeral Fl. crowd?, 1 by causticmuse

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Image Copyright causticmuse

In reply to: Woo Hoo Where are all the Centeral Fl. crowd?

Forum: Florida Gardening

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Photo of Woo Hoo Where are all the Centeral Fl. crowd?
causticmuse wrote:
I'm mostly growing veggies and fruits this year, but I do have a wall o' moonflowers and morning glories started behind the vegetable and strawberry patch. The moonflowers finally began to bloom this week, but I've been so exhausted when I get home from work around 11 pm (my team at work has an alpha milestone for our video game due on Monday, and we've been working 12 hour days for the past two weeks) that I haven't seen them at night yet. I just notice the closed and dropped blooms the next morning when I go out to turn on the soaker hose. :-S