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African Violets and Gesneriads: Time for baby photos, 1 by begoniacrazii

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Forum: African Violets and Gesneriads

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Photo of Time for baby photos
begoniacrazii wrote:
Ok, thanks Ali, they get the VF11 every time I water. so then they must be happy. When you say 'bigger' how big is that? two, three, four inches? Just never grown one before. BUT the cool thing is I'm getting closer to finishing my 'photo tutorial' that I started when I cut these.

I can't take a crown cutting from these chimera leaves mom since I killed it. Hopefully one of the babies will take after the mom. The other leaved one I have in the house I can take a crown off pretty soon. Problem is all the new growth is solid green. (boo hoo)

I guess I better put some more Arcturus leaves down, didn't think it would be so popular! I like it better than Pow Wow, it's more of a wine red. Here's another shot, I posted this a while back too.