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Morning Glories: Morning Glorys 2005 # 10, 1 by EmmaGrace

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Photo of Morning Glorys 2005 # 10
EmmaGrace wrote:
Your Gray Lady is nice! Really looks Gray from your picture. I had one vine that bloomed a SOLID WHITE. Three blooms, then died. Then, a few days ago the first bloom on another vine did look Grayish. Stacey was getting a Pinkish color from hers. Very pretty too.

Love your photos. Your 'Sazanami Ripples' is gonna be awesome. Be sure to post more of that one.
And PLEASE let us see your 'ugimoko floating cloud' again. I just love that one - Can't wait to see if it turns out like the photo on the seed packet.

Will save seeds for you of 'Gray Smoke' [unless Gail wants to name this baby something else] - hope I get bunches of seeds.
Maybe you can work on stabilizing this one ???
Can't wait to see what the next bloom will look like.

Can't wait to hear if you've gotten the Gray blooms before.

Great information about the Double Blue Picotee not setting seeds, Stacey.
What will the seeds be like that DID come from the doubles?
IF those are what I just collected seeds from!
The seeds were at the bottom of the vines, so that is why I'm thinking they were from the doubles that first bloomed. Gosh, I wish I had known this before so I could pay closer attention to the blooms.
What was happening was all of my blooms have been doubles out of five vines, then I started seeing singles,
however, I am keeping up with my vines this year by numbering system [only way to keep my sanity with all that I have planted], and did notice that the 'singles' were coming from the same vine when they first started blooming.
You think it's possible to get seeds from the doubles?
PLMK what you think.
