Photo by Melody

Tropicals & Tender Perennials: Rattail in full bloom, 1 by Gourd

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Image Copyright Gourd

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Forum: Tropicals & Tender Perennials

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Photo of Rattail in full bloom
Gourd wrote:
Harold, I didn't see your post, must have posted almost at the same time. What Zone 9 plant trade?

It hangs there under the porch all year long and gets morning full sun, then filtered sun the rest of the day.. It gets misted with peters 20-20-20 and a drop of superthrive in the misting water.. I do that to all the hanging plants, plus once a month, they get watered with either peters or miracle grow. They sure do grow fast that way. I used some Fish Emulsion last month, but have not seen a difference yet.

Hi George, is this the one you have.. this one has tiny little flowers, you can barely see them, they are white, it is some type of rattail, but I don't have any clue as to which one.