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Propagation: Seed Snatchin' V... Show Us Your Stash!, 1 by

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Photo of Seed Snatchin' V... Show Us Your Stash!
TamaraFaye - You had me a bit confused earlier when you wrote, "Beautiful little DGS dstartz".
I kept thinking, "Why is she calling him a 'Beautiful little DonnaGardinerStartz dstartz'"!??! [Sometimes I can be really dense....]

8ftbed - I'm with you!! "I'm not alone and there's safety in numbers!" ;->

E - Honest! I wasn't taunting! [There, does that make the person who has been taunting me feel better? I fessed up!] And now my heart goes out to you!! Do you suffer from your PTSD often? " rammed into a room with 3 dogs, 6 or 7 cats (can't remember), kids, and a husband

8ftbed & E - Oh, how I wish i coudl be a ladybug on a plant when y'all 'accidently' collide!!

ncgardenaddict - Dang! Even the ones you wanted, huh?!? Sometimes it pays to be a little selfish....

Well, since they've moved the dumpsters on E and Lady Anne isn't posting I'll tell about my attempted dumpster diving last night.

I am a very lucky lady and have lots of brug cuttings that have taken root. Unfortunately that is a doubled edge sword. Now that they are too big for their 4" pots, yet too small to go in the ground or a big pot I am in need of over 70 intermediate sized pots for all my newly grown babies.

Being the recycler that I am I hit on the idea of 2 & 3 liter drink bottles!! So I bought numerous cokes for my 8-12 yr old grandbabies, who were more to drain them for me New Year's Eve and day.

Last night DH and I did some modifications to them and viola! Great, cheap, intermediate sized pots!!! The only problem was - there are only 17 of them! So last night , before the season premiere of 'Carnivale' my DH & I made a trip to our much beloved recyclery to do some snooping. (Okay, DH was only the get away driver.)

So we pull up. I jump out, flashlight in hand. Waded through all the GARBAGE in front of the dumpsters. Flipped open the lids, ready to dive in.....

Nothing!! Not a plastic bottle in sight!