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General Discussion & Chat: Best/Worse/What did I Learn Today? Come sit awhile and share your day..newcomers welcome, 5 by Bettypauze

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Photo of Best/Worse/What did I Learn Today? Come sit awhile and share your day..newcomers welcome
Bettypauze wrote:
Thanks everyone for birthday wishes, was a lovely day, lots of afternoon visitors and mega flowers and cakes, sent home with those who bought cake the cake without 1 slice, better than leaving it go to waste.

Omg Susan, what a find, you lost that years ago. Never heard of such a thing, how long must you wait to get your court date?

I’m so excited for Marie and you, wonderful news for sure, when will it close, so much work went into this plan, hope Marie realizes what a gem she has in her sister.
Pat those convex boxes could find a good home in my yard lol
Will you keep some

Maybe once you are settled you both can come here for a weeks holiday?

Sharon, I almost have Las Vegas weather, will be in 60’s for a few days but big sigh more snow to come.just the word ‘pass’ scares the bee Herbert out of me after the one we went on going from Vegas to California, can’t imagine it in the winter. Cost of flowers this year will be so high, won’t be able to afford baskets. Most of the seeds I’m planting now are for fillers, I’ll buy geraniums and make baskets myself. Are you finding what you are buying now plant wise is more expensive?

Your breakfast sounds delicious, i made 2 small pancake, have the other for tomorrow. Tom next door brought me supper, couldn’t tell him I don’t eat fish especially salmon so i called Sharon, she came over, it was one on her favourites.
I cooked up chicken stew with lasagna noodles in it..can mash it all up and will do me a few days +, Sharon went to get a pop out of the fridge she couldn’t believe all the leftover meals waiting to be eaten, guess tomorrow they will going food bin.

Deb, how excited you must be on Luca’s win, he is so regal. When is the next competition to gain remainder of his points. Think Sharon’s dog goes to Louisville Kentucky next month.

Dianne, aren’t all Foodlands have same pricing or was there more choice?
I expect you to have some nice weather this week as well.TH will enjoy being out by your side.

Lindakay, are the fires getting under control? When I don’t see you post i wonder if you’ve been evacuated.

Jeff just called, Caleb’s 1st Medieval Times being MC is tonight, he was just going into the theatre for supper and show. Caleb wanted to do a few more shows and be confident before we all go to see him.