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General Discussion & Chat: Best/Worse/What did I Learn Today? Come sit awhile and share your day..newcomers welcome!, 1 by Bettypauze

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Image Copyright Bettypauze

In reply to: Best/Worse/What did I Learn Today? Come sit awhile and share your day..newcomers welcome!

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Photo of Best/Worse/What did I Learn Today? Come sit awhile and share your day..newcomers welcome!
Bettypauze wrote:

Lordy I’ve been keeping myself busy, starts early as my chiropractor appt. Is 7:30 and Ari comes at 4n still seems the day flies by.

Very mild today, calling for rain tomorrow right thru to Buffalo but better than a blizzard, guess I am going as I told Sharon providing it was good weather I’d go along for the trip. Excited to meet up with Debbie at Cracker Barrel, I’ll give her a hug for you all.

Today other than above I went through 5 bags of the fabric pieces, most in garbage but did get a lot of finished blocks, what i did keep were strips, I roses every piece I could use and separated in colour, kids and I will love grabbing a bag when wanting to make squares or frogs. Still have 2 bags but I’ve done far too much.

Darlene called and said it was warming up 8n Myrtle Beach and Johns loving his golf.
She also asked if I wanted a job, John’s sister who has a place in San Francisco, a cottage up here, a place 8n Myrtle Beach bought a massive home 2 streets over, they travel quite a bit, their kitty (2) sitter retired. Weeks they are away they need someone who will go over twice a day-7 days a week, sometimes for long weekends etc so John and Dar suggested me..for a week $350, no more than 1 hr out of my schedule on days they are away. They just got back from Ireland and we’re driving to their place 8n Myrtle Beach, thought they would get there tonight, Dar will give her my #.

We are on page 2, just know if I start going back and forwards pages I will lose my post sooo will say goodnight, talk tomorrow night

Keep well my friends