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General Discussion & Chat: Best/Worse/What did I learn today? Chatting with friends old and new.., 1 by Bettypauze

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Photo of Best/Worse/What did I learn today? Chatting with friends old and new..
Bettypauze wrote:
Evening all, been busy 2 days.

Teacup that is a great idea but being on my own makes it hard i.e. Walmart puts discounts on it’s 2 for$$$, or 3 for $$$ but problem is by the tie i would buy these and eat the 2nd or 3rd it would be stale.

Yes Sharon those tutorials are helpful, have to wonder sometimes where people come up with such brilliant ideas.

Dianne, weather same here today, too cool for shorts. Melanie andNoah are off tomorrow to see her bio mom, guess where?? Meaford. Told her to go to grandmalambsandget me some apples, not sure what k8nd are on sale right now.

Lindakay how is your sister today? Glad she had a few good days with you.

Awful to say but the funeral yesterday had barely a word said at celebration of life, the cousins who were there had a great time, remembering our youth, laughs galore. My 2 brothers, SIL Kim were there, Sharon had prior commitment. Was sad when we left, Rick and Maurice, brothers to deceased said goodbye, hugged each of us closely and said ‘stay healthy’ both have cancer and won’t be with us for much longer.

I dropped in to visit Darlene in the morning before cemetery and dropped off my eye glass prescription, we had looked at glasses on-line a few weeks ago, i said I’d be back after celebration of life, (Dr. Fiji too wanted $660) so thought seeing John, Darlene a several other couples have had great success with the Canadian company in Guelph that I would try..well, when i went back to Darlene’s after the celebration she told me she and John had ordered the glasses and was a gift. I have to stop mentioning i like something or need something because they go and get it for me..couldn’t win the argument to pay for them myself.

Greg dropped in yesterday afternoon for a bit, had a nice chat, he andMel we’re going out for supper, tomorrow will be their 26th anniversary.

Today I had the Evan/Mason then lily and Adele then went into town, wanted some groceries and wasn’t about to pay Foodland prices…know i will pay for it tomorrow but Kentucky Fried chicken came home with me…enough for lunch tomorrow

Ziggy just climbed into bed with me, he had been hiding under the draped quilt, guess he wants some petting because as soon as I stop petting him he licks my arm