Photo by Melody

Ask-a-Dave's-Gardener: Buddah Belly, 1 by hcmcdole

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In reply to: Buddah Belly

Forum: Ask-a-Dave's-Gardener

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Photo of Buddah Belly
hcmcdole wrote:
Maybe not enough light? You can probably cut it and make it squatter but not sure if that makes the belly grow fatter or not.

I grew mine from seed and while \"not fat\" they are shorter than your plant. I put them in full sun for summer and under a shop light for winter.

I grew 10 in one pot and gave away five. Then in late April I put the remainder in separate pots.

This was the last picture I did in mid-December.

last week in June and slowly growing.

September shows much bigger leaves.

Here is some in a pot in Thailand on our last visit in 2018. I wished my leaves would be palmate like these to add a little more interest.