Photo by Melody

Plant Identification: CLOSED: Confirm ID Dutchman’s, 2 by Efbobby

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Image Copyright Efbobby

Subject: CLOSED: Confirm ID Dutchman’s

Forum: Plant Identification

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Photo of CLOSED: Confirm ID Dutchman’s
Efbobby wrote:
Been looking for this guy 1 day shy of a year and after many false hopes I think I finally have it!

I seen it yesterday not in its habitat but randomly under a hedge in a bank parking lot.

It does not have much for roots so I suspect what happened is a seed must have been in the mulch.

Anyway this guy looks nearly identical to the stock photos so I’m like 95% sure.

Quick few questions:

What type of soil and wetness does it prefer?

I’m thinking woodland/acidic and damp?

Is it a sun loving plant or a shade loving plant?

Most importantly is it sensitive on the roots or vigorous.

Aka can I transfer it and it not die?

When I removed the plant it took no effort so the roots were in the mulch but not very developed yet plus the cooler weather suggests it is going dormant.

Lmk what you think/confirm id please!