Photo by Melody

Indoor Gardening and Houseplants: Coffea Arabica proper soil., 3 by teoeteoet

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Image Copyright teoeteoet

Subject: Coffea Arabica proper soil.

Forum: Indoor Gardening and Houseplants

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Photo of Coffea Arabica proper soil.
teoeteoet wrote:
Hello everybody,

I am writing from Europe (Prague).
I am seeking for advice about my coffee tree which is not doing very well and I cannot figure out why.
It is located in a bright corner of the house, far from any window.
I am watering it only when the soil gets dry. But misting it and around it daily.
Now at summer time I am using a common natural fertiliser. (N 6,4%, P 1,7%, K 9%, pH 4.0-7.0)
I am guessing that something is wrong with the soil, which is the only think left to be wrong.
The soil is a mixture of general garden soil, with bark, perlite, a bit lava stone pieces and that\'s it more or less.

I read a lot about special soil mixtures, but I cannot conclude what is the best for the coffee plant.

Any advice would be highly appreciated!

Thank you in advance!