Photo by Melody

Bulbs: Has anyone ever planted their bulbs late?, 0 by evelyn_inthegarden

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Image Copyright evelyn_inthegarden

Subject: Has anyone ever planted their bulbs late?

Forum: Bulbs

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Photo of Has anyone ever planted their bulbs late?
evelyn_inthegarden wrote:
I really got stuck this year as it has been a bit odd. I suppose that everyone knows that California has been getting a lot of rain and snow this year, compared to the last few years.

Yes, I think that we are finally out of our drought this year, for most parts of California anyway, but that did present me with a problem. I had a good size batch of bulbs pre-cooling in the refrigerator in the garage. (No room in the fridge in the kitchen, and forbidden by the \"chef\"!!) I don\'t always pre-chill them, but it was hot and dry when I received them.
They stayed in there for the recommended time. Then the rains came...Then the snow came. A little bit more than the last few years. So I put them on the back porch, in hopes of putting them into pots of various sizes. I forgot about them for a while then, in between storms, I started to open the packages. Yikes!!! Many were moldy and some were dried out, but there were some that looked salvageable. Some were perfectly clean and beginning to sprout....