Photo by Melody

Tropicals & Tender Perennials: Why do my Rexes always die?, 0 by hcmcdole

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In reply to: Why do my Rexes always die?

Forum: Tropicals & Tender Perennials

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Photo of Why do my Rexes always die?
hcmcdole wrote:
I just use Miracle Gro potting mix - the KISS method. I have stepped up fertilizer this summer - hose end sprayer with water soluble fertilizer at 1 TBSP per gallon. Not sure if it makes that big a difference but as long as they don\'t die on me, I\'m good.

I just took a second look at your photo and the second one\'s surface looks a bit dry. Other than that they both look healthy enough.

We still have several weeks of good growing weather left to eke out as much growth as it can muster. A lot of mine get some direct sun - maybe a couple of hours and filtered light for many hours.

Here are a few more from August 30