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Accessible Gardening: #21 Practical Matters for Phsically Challenged Gardeners, 2 by Agavegirl1

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Photo of #21 Practical Matters for Phsically Challenged Gardeners
Agavegirl1 wrote:
Good Morning, :D

Very tired. You guessed it. *eye roll*. Dave was home with me so no collateral damage. Just a goose egg on the head and a bit of a stiff neck. Slept 9.5 hours last night but not restful. Goose egg and neck prevented that. Will probably forgo 90% of what needs done around the house for laying around (what I call playing Greyhound) and just sleeping off and on. Guess I had been over due for one as I had been well for quite awhile. Did manage to give the neighbors a hand though for awhile prior to this.

Also got to go to the new Star Trek movie. Good stuff. Not a sci-fi fan but always liked the ST Next Generation and Deep Space 9 more because they focus on humanitarian issues and personalities than science stuff. This one was heavier into sci-fi but was surprisingly good. I didn\'t think I\'d like it but I did. Costumes and makeup were great, Computer generated graphics amazing and story was good. Wasn\'t pleased with the ending but worth a look see. Oh and Chris Pine is not hard to look at. :D

Bets...them \'maters. Ohhh...they\'re looking good. Awesome specimens. Conjoined one has me drooling. Lucky you. I don\'t think I\'d mind doing all the work for those yummy \'maters.

Bummer about your neighbor\'s elephant ear plant. Those are gorgeous. At least I always liked them. The green is amazing as is the sheer size of the leaves and the shade they provide. Saw lots of them when I was in FL. Wish I could grow something like that here. Don\'t understand what your landscape Nazis are on about. I mean it isn\'t like that thing was an unkempt mess getting into other people\'s yards. So what if the neighbor wanted a little privacy and shade in front of his window. I mean what\'s the big deal? HOAs are such a PIA.


As for Canada..... nope we\'re not welcome. I looked into the requirements.
---- To move there you must be a child born there of Canadian citizens. You can\'t be a Canadian just because you were born in Canada and thus granted automatic citizenship even if your parents aren\'t citizens. All being born in Canada to non citizens parents means is just that. You\'re not an anchor baby.

OR ---- You have to be able to pay $800,000.00 to the government right off the bat. Yes some things can be bought.

OR----You have to possess a skill so unique and/or in demand that they will warrant a special reason to make you a citizen. Example: performing brain surgery, while playing the flute and writing a thesis on your cure for cancer.

----You\'re married to a Canadian citizen.
This isn\'t as \'easy\' as it sounds. Even if you get one of them to marry you, you have to be able to read, write and speak French fluently, not work for 4 years (unless employed by a Canadian company prior and you met someone on business), can\'t own your own business, or receive any of their benefits from social programs.

Most likely will have to repeat your college education. Technically our 2 or 4 year degree is equivalent to their High School diploma. Also the political science, government, legal and business laws are different, Canadian History, Civics, French, etc.

Hope that Canadian spouse you found is nice and rich and willing to support you. :D

So I kind of laugh when people say, \"I\'ll move to Canada.\" Uh...nope. Try Bienvenidos al Mexico.

Yes, I\'d love to move to Mexico. Thought about it since the Reagan/Bush era. Thin about it all the more since we have crooked Hillary (*eye roll*) the neo con versus crooked Trump the con man. Whatever. Whatever. Whatever. I\'m not rich or poor so it benefits me in neither way. The only thing that\'s going to happen is I will subsequently get poorer.

Also my other motivating factor is it seems 2 time zones away is not enough to escape my insane and obnoxious family. Moving to a different country definitely will as I no longer have the patience for everyone to just drop dead and leave me alone. I look terrible in orange and I\'m too much of a food snob so poisoning them all is out of the question also.
Although it bears some consideration as the medical care is excellent and far superior to what you and I presently receive but only if you are lucky enough to get into a private as opposed to state prison. I am not often blessed with luck so I don\'t gamble. Reason why Vegas bores me.

And YES...Last two fiancess have taught me the imperative of keeping money separate. Learned the hard way. Grrrrrrr. So Dave and I have separate everything. He pays certain bills. I pay certain bills. There are certain things we split and daily-weekly-whatever expenses we share or take turns on. And YES we actually pay each other back for \'loans\' made or if the other person covers something financially for us.

Gifts of course are not in these categories. They\'re just

Most people see this as bizarre but I don\'t care. I see it as a way to prevent fights and resentment. Also nobody can say, \"Well why\'d you buy that when we owe...\" Nope. \"We don\'t owe anything\" as \"I don\'t \'owe anything\". My bills are paid. I\'m buying what I feel like even if you can\'t so shut up. I don\'t need your permission or o.k.

Mexico\'s heat is no different than ours. A lot of places it is cooler believe it or not. As for border towns and shanties ever see some of what the Indian reservations and trailer parks look like? Read the newspapers and crime reports and neighborhood theft and drug arrests daily? Watch the news and the fact that everyone can get a gun? The housing reminds me of Detroit, Pittsburgh and Youngstown. No different just better climate, nicer people and no guns. Same stuff different location.

I\'m not worried about dual citizenship. Still have 4 friends I\'ve know for a minimum of 15 years that would be all too happy to let me...ahem, \"live\" with them. Closet full of clothes and shoes from Good Will. Photos about the place. Grooming items in the bathroom. Bedspread on the bed (Good Will again) and curtains on the window. I just have to \'live there\'. Nobody said I had to be there. I get my mail at a P.O. box. So what?

Pop in for a day or two every few weeks to \'live there\'. See I DO live there.

Emigrating to Mexico is more and more appealing all the time.

As for maid service and what not it is nice if you can afford to pay for it. Just because it is cheap doesn\'t mean it is free. Just like here you have to live within your means and decide what you can afford and where you can afford to live. True you get a lot more bang for the buck but a buck is a buck is a buck is a buck. On SSDI that is an all too painful reality no matter where you live.

Any place is cheaper than CA regardless of income! Reason why I couldn\'t stay in CA despite a $60K a year job as a single woman with no children who owned her own extremely used car and had no mortgage and lived in an apartment in Korea Town in a reasonable apartment which included the electric and water.

Not much going on in my garden as it is simply struggling. What hasn\'t rotted from the rain is getting fried from the sun. Can\'t water incessantly as that only serves to rot roots but does nothing for sun burn. Kind of a catch 22 out here in the desert. It is the shade that is most needed and unfortunately my yard is not blessed with that. Even under the best circumstances and ideal weather this has been an immense challenge for me and a source of great garden woes and complaints.

As for pornographic plants they do leave a lot to the imagination be they \'maters or naked ladies and men. Let\'s try some pornographic Echinopsis and pole cacti for the obvious reasons! :D

Jim...didn\'t forget about the Eve\'s Needles. Will get to it. I promise. Just been preoccupied with a bunch of other stuff and busy with small things. Sorry.

Peace. Out.

Song for the day: \"Here Comes the Sun\" by the Beetles.