Photo by Melody

Perennials: What\'s Blooming , 4 by DonnaMack

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Photo of What's Blooming
DonnaMack wrote:
I have two viburnum carlesi compactum that I installed last year. Here is one. I had not realized that if I opened my windows I could smell it from 20 feet away. What a treat!

My front yard is in what I call \"major bud\". When I moved in, this was all grass. Now itt has peonies, nepeta, lilies, daffodil, peonies, roses and what have you.

In the third photo, that little plant makes me smile. It is a variegated japanese kerria that the squirrels consistently chewed to the ground. I could barely see it, and then I read that it suckers. So not only did it survive, but it has the nerve to bloom!

In my back yard, our cool weather has helped the mertensia stick around for quite some time, as the hostas and geraniums (Bevan\'s Variety) come up.

And epimedium x versicolor sulphurem is blooming. I did a terrible job cleaning it up, but it doesn\'t seem yo mind!