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Accessible Gardening: #21 Practical Matters for Phsically Challenged Gardeners, 0 by Agavegirl1

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Photo of #21 Practical Matters for Phsically Challenged Gardeners
Agavegirl1 wrote:
Sorry. Just been busy,busy, busy. You know how that goes. Either nothing to do or you\'re pulling your hair out.
I bet those Amaryllis are just gorgeous. Red, White or combo? I had a beautiful red one. Bloomed once. Put the bulb in storage so to speak. Dark corner of the patio in a pot. Our winters are \'cold\' enough for it to rest. Only problem was Zoe thought it was a toy and I saw her running around out back with it in her mouth!!! YIKES. They are poisonous to dogs.

Needless to say my bulb went bye-bye and I was lucky I saw her doing this and she had decided chewing on it wasn\'t a good idea yet. Greyhounds. Great dogs. Not the brightest breed. Not dumb dogs, just not the brightest either. It\'s their curiosity that makes them appear this way. It over rides their common sense and instincts. I describe them not so much as dogs but more like long legged cats. You know what they say about curiosity and cats right? I\'m pretty sure it applies to Greyhounds too. (Eye roll). It\'s worse than having a 2 year old in the house at times. It\'s also half the fun of them. :]

I do not do \'house plants\' any longer except for two. Dog treats them like a salad bar. The two I have (one a rather thorny cactus) she shows no interest in, thankfully.

Moving. SIGH...GROAN. What a pain in the butt. Your glass collection sounds wonderful. You should get something to put it on. A \'sunny\' spot in the house too would be nice as the sun would make the glass shine, bounce light around, and really show off the blues.

As for glass in AZ not the wisest choice. Desert, dry, dusty and at times windy + glass= dust you can write your name in every other day despite owning stock in Windex. Like an idiot I bought all glass top tables (Kitchen, Coffee and 2 end tables, Sofa table and a little glass top and black and wrought iron one for the bedroom.). Husband and I take turns writing \"Luv U\" on them and \"Clean Me.\" ROFL! Also have dark wood furniture...what a great way to highlight dust as well.

Thankfully I see cleaning as an \'obligation\' and necessary compulsion due to being Buddhist and the rigid anal-retentive standards drilled into me by my mother and immigrant female relatives that still wash walls and get up at 3:30 a.m. to iron!

If it weren\'t for these 2 facts I\'d be waving the white flag. It would not be over the furniture either. It would be in defeat. The dust would win!

Very happy you can see the garage floor. YIPPEE. Isn\'t that exciting. I think so because I share your pain. It isn\'t the floor in the garage it\'s our walls. Everything is crammed on the shelving units. Looks like Sanford and Son. Been literally a year on the 14th and still can\'t find stuff.

Hope you find all of your things. If not the missing stuff is probably somewhere with mine in a black hole.

Oh...heard from Jim, Kay, and Nadine. WOW are they going through some rough stuff. They did say they wanted to contact you. If not why don\'t you contact them. You don\'t have to leave DG. If you don\'t talk to them personally but would like to via e.mail come over on a \'fake name\'. You can \"Tree-Mail\" them privately and let them know it is you and not to use your real name. (

Just a thought. If you don\'t already have their address and/or phone I\'ll give it to you.

Stay well. Keep warm. It is 97 degrees again today!!

Song for the day: \"Heat Wave\" Martha and the Vandellas :D

This morning\'s surprise