Photo by Melody

Accessible Gardening: #21 Practical Matters for Phsically Challenged Gardeners, 2 by Agavegirl1

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Photo of #21 Practical Matters for Phsically Challenged Gardeners
Agavegirl1 wrote:
Hi Carrie,
Sorry I\'ve been absent but I\'ve just been super busy. Catching up with the garden, the cooking and the housekeeping before DH goes on vacation a week from now. Then we can really mess up the house by ripping up linoleum and laying tile! Ohhh goody!

I\'m glad you don\'t have to think about your medical stuff for awhile. What a relief right? Texas with the grandkids sounds nice. Arizona with TTC is nice too! :D
Always welcome to come visit should you desire. Happy to show you around, especially Tucson which I think you\'d like a great deal.

Much like you I hate to travel and do so badly but will tolerate it because it gets me to where I need to be so that I can enjoy the things I want.

I miss Spring flowers. So pretty. So fragrant. I do remember Lilacs and Hyacinths, Daffodils and Tulips; Cherry and Apple Blossoms. Iris and Peonies. Lily of the Valley and Crocus. Sigh.

Let\'s see here we have thorns, spines, really freaky plants and some really fun blooms that last all too fleetingly.

The Torch Cactus above is going to bloom again as has some other things in my garden. Here\'s some photos. Here\'s also some ready to bloom so when they do I\'ll take photos and post them. (The last plant doesn\'t bloom but it is just so fun to look at with its red tips!)

Stay well,
Have a great trip.
Peace. Out.

Song for the day: \"The Ballad of Peter Pumpkin Head\" by XTC. Just hysterical and another complete spoof song on ridiculous politicians and politics. Came out many, many years ago!

BTW how are Jim and Kay?