Photo by Melody

Accessible Gardening: #21 Practical Matters for Phsically Challenged Gardeners, 2 by Agavegirl1

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Photo of #21 Practical Matters for Phsically Challenged Gardeners
Agavegirl1 wrote:
Donald Trump has a new campaign slogan: \"Yes we Klan!\" rofl

As for me, well I am Buddhist BUT we subscribe to basically the same religious tenants as all others. Five most common religions in the world: Christianity, Judaism, Muslim, Buddhist and Hindu.

Not a particularly religious person. Buddha said, \"Piousness is personal. I am not concerned with your God or Gods. I am concerned with ending human suffering.\" So this gives me the liberty to subscribe to any point of view I want in terms of God.

When it comes to voting I subscribe to the book of Mathew 25: 31-46.

It is very clear exactly what GOD says and makes MORE THAN abundantly clear on whom to vote for. It also makes MORE THAN abundantly clear on what WILL happen if you don\'t fill out that ballot correctly.

May I suggest, if even out of idle curiosity, take just the 3 minutes to read EXACTLY what God says. So that\'s it from AG\'s sermon on the soap box.

Yep Carrie,
Sadly the blooms on this cactus are indeed fleeting. :( They last approximately a week and then they die. Blooms that is, not cactus. The flowers are thing and have petals that feel exactly like any other flower. They do not have a fragrance. The nice thing about cactus flowers, however, is that they usually have multiple \'buds\' and the cactus will bloom repeatedly for awhile. This is wonderful in that you get to enjoy it for a month or so. Especially nice since the blooms I had, have already withered and passed.
I\'m not sure if you can see it in the picture or not (I\'ll post a better one) but if you look around the flower area you\'ll see all the little \'fuzz balls\'/bumps. Those are buds for new flowers. There\'s no guarantee that they will all open but the potential for them to is definitely there! YIPPEE.

I am sorry to hear that you are getting admitted for a colonoscopy. Ouch! I am, however, that you finally got in for what seems to be deemed a necessary procedure to check the status of your health. And yes, I couldn\'t agree with you more with certain procedures and the people who perform them to take advantage of the situation and be rude, mean, insensitive and just plain ignorant because they\'re unedumacated!

I could also go on with the list of comments in regards to the stupid things people say and have said to me but they\'re innumerable. It is really hard for me since my disorder is so \'bizarre\' and not necessarily seen to the naked eye until something happens. As I had said, my major frustration is that I \'appear able\' and can be but I truly am not as cooking up my hand, staples in my head and innumerable goose eggs and black and blue faces have proven.

Perhaps my favorite comment I received after having a seizure is, \"Don\'t you take your meds?\" Seriously? I mean think about this. My response is, \"NO! I thought it would be a Hell of a lot more fun for me and certainly more entertaining for you if I didn\'t A-hole! Now that we know what my problem is what is your excuse for being a high functioning retard?\" This usually shuts them up and shuts them down effectively.

Feel free to amend and borrow the phrase if you so desire when addressing persons who piss you off.

O.K. inundated with things to do today but also have some great songs for the day.
\"Everyone\'s an A-Hole\" by Reel Big Fish.

Yep, great song set to a fun Reggae/ska kind of music. Put it up on you-tube with lyrics. ROFL!

Also in terms of politics here\'s the most profound songs I\'ve ever head.
Thunderclap Newman: \"Something in the Air\"
Buffalo Springfield: \"For What It\'s Worth\"
Bob Dillon: \"These Times Are Changing\"

Happy reading and happy listening.
Good luck with your procedure. I\'ll keep my fingers crossed for good news.
Below photos are of \'fuzz balls\' potential future blooms on cactus.
Peace. Out.