Photo by Melody

Australian and New Zealand Gardening: AUSSIE BROMS LOOKING TO SUMMER.... Nov 2015, 2 by 77sunset

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Forum: Australian and New Zealand Gardening

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77sunset wrote:
Hello Nev & Teresa.
Just a quick pop in this morning as I want to get my walk in before it gets too hot.

Nev, there are over 50 species of coprosmas and some do indeed get to tree size.
On average most get to around a metre or so. They are very hardy in heat & cold so I should have something pretty to look at even in winter.

In regard to growing brugmansias in your garden. They should do well up there , but be warned, they do get very limp in the heat and look like they are going to die...
They lik eto be watered often and are hungry feeders.
Of course they will probably survive without plenty of food, but you wont get the lovely spread of leaves and masses of flowers.
They can be trimmed to look like standards , which is what I do. This way you get the shade and the lovely umbrella look. Some will grow very tall , but I simply cut mine off each winter .
If grown from seed, it can take years to get flowers, but I think they are best grown from cuttings of wood from above the Y. This is the spot where the seedling has grown and makes that first branching Y . You will only get flowers on wood above this, but all cuttings taken from this above the Y wood will flower quickly and from then on every cutting you make from this area of the plant will flower as quickly.
I left a lot of my plants behind as they were in the ground and too large to move. I took cuttings as I said, from above that first Y. All these were potted and grew to about 1 metre in the first year and all flowered then too
If you would like to try a few, look around and see if any are growing in your area. Just ask for a good piece from above that Y. ( you will pick it easily , make sure to get sturdy pieces , not young tips .)
If you dont find any, I can send you pieces of mine. As with most plants, Spring is the best time, but I have taken cuttings any time and had them grow.
You can stand the cuttings in a bucket of water for quite long periods and you will the nubbies forming... these are what I call pre roots. As the nubbies get bigger the roots start coming.
Interesting to watch. Change the water often, though.
Remember, the whole plant is poison so care is needed like hand washing etc.
I often dont have my gloves on when just picking yellow leaves or dead flowers off and I just make sure I wash my hands after.
I love the plants but some people are paranoid about them with children & pets around.
I think children & pets have more brains than the adults sometimes and are more likely to spit out something that tastes bad. Adults are known to use the plant in the wrong way, so how stupid does that make them ?...... lol

Better go or it will be too hot to walk anywhere.
Keep cool and safe.

a few old bill pics today... Annies Joy, Carioca, hoelscheriana flowers
