Photo by Melody

Accessible Gardening: #20 Practical Matters for Physically Challenged Gardeners, 2 by Agavegirl1

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Photo of #20 Practical Matters for Physically Challenged Gardeners
Agavegirl1 wrote:

OUCH! So sorry about the burns! :( Yes, I'm going to lecture you about the kitchen and hot things...I had a seizure few years back and stuck my hand in a pot of boiling hot chili and wound up at the Maricopa Burn Center. Hand huge blisters with 2nd almost 3rd degree burns. They wound up doing surgery on my hand. Got pictures but won't post them...they're really, really, really nasty!

Great morphine drip though...enjoyed the mini vacation...oh, and they sure weren't shy with them drugs or refills either! Spent lots of time literally sitting on the couch drooling on myself and staring into space! :)

NO...really, I did. Took me 8 months to be able to get my wedding rings on and much painful at home physical therapy (hand exercises). Thankfully no permanent tendon or joint damage and I still...4 years later...still have to do my hand exercises!

Now...PUT SOME SHOES ON or at least slippers or socks when in the kitchen baking/using oven so if you drop something hot and it splashes at least your feet are covered and hopefully your legs are too. Unless my husband is home I don't cook in shorts I put on light 'yoga' pants or sweat pants. There's a reason chef's 'cover up' when they're in the HOT kitchen!

(OH, I'm only allowed to make chili in the crock pot for now on and not on the stove...eye roll.)

Sorry your Thanks Giving turned out to be such a disaster. :(

Shame you hurt your leg, your rug is a mess underneath and Granny doesn't want to eat.
I don't know what the situation or rules are for where you live but can you get linoleum for your kitchen floor instead of carpet? Relatively inexpensive, easy to clean and doesn't go 'funky' underneath. Usually it is cheaper than carpet too.

Can't help you on granny or her being difficult and that she didn't like your pie/custard. It seemed you tried so hard too. Now I don't understand that cranberry sauce and yam refusal on her part! Just being stubborn because the pie didn't turn out so she didn't want anything at all?

Can't tell you about lunch either. She is 99 going on 100. Like you said maybe she IS feeling her age. There's days I feel her age! Sometimes the weather isn't real conducive to motivating you to want to get out either. Is she depressed about something? Combo of Thanks Giving Dinner and not wanting to go out for lunch could be a sign that maybe something else is bothering her or on her mind. I dunno.

That is so sad about your neighbor too. Can you call him to see how he's doing? If possible take the flyer off his door. Nothing tips off thieves more to the fact nobody is home than junk mail and newspapers uncollected for days and days. If he only lost his wife 2 weeks ago most likely he is with family or they're there buzzing around him trying to help. It's the few months later that he'll be alone. That will be hard.

Hope your leg feels better. do you do it?

If it is any consolation my hand hurts (joints), my knees ache (years of former running and no cartilage left) and my lower back (arthritis) is kicking my butt in this cold weather.

It was 30 degrees when I woke up! I'm freezing despite the hot flash I had the other day that knocked me for a loop! (*groan*--yep I had my first 2 this year! This was number 3. Can we talk about the night sweats?...Yeah.).

DH is complaining about his hip (probably arthritis).

Zoe gets up slower too...but then again she's going to be 11.

I can help with the grocery thing! :D
Look up these services (the Epilepsy Foundation gave me this list because I have 'no keys' to drive) Some of these may or may not be available where you live. (has 'taskers' who are vetted to help you for a low cost to run errands and do home repairs) ( pick up, pack it and send packages for you) (will pick up fresh groceries from your grocery store for you) ( independent taxi drivers using their own cars. Hey, I get a discount! If you use the promotional code 'EPILEPSY' until the end of 2015 you get $20.00 off your first ride and $5.00 goes to the Epilepsy foundation. I won't tell if you won't! )

Also I don't know what supermarket chains you have but Safeway will deliver groceries to your home locally with no charge if your order is over $50.00 You can always call and inquire if they have that service at your grocery stores. This service varies from store to store.

Let me know if you have some pasta, olive oil, garlic, basil, sugar, salt, cayenne pepper and some good canned ready cut/diced tomatoes. I can give you a restaurant worthy stove top pasta sauce recipe that takes 20 minutes to make! I've gotten rave reviews. :) Oh, do you have a food processor or a blender?

Can't help with pumpkin pie. I'm a cook not much of a baker. Do it rarely and it is challenging.

Would you and granny like to come out to X-Mas dinner with DH and I? :D :D

It would be safer, granny could have all the sweets she wants and the sun is shining even if it is cold!
You're welcome to join us. See above post with my X-Mas cacti pictures for time and place.

Have a good day....O.K. try to have a good day!
Wise Cactus told me, "It is always darkest before the dawn. If you can not see then be still and wait for the sun."

Carrie: How are you?
Jim and Kay: Been thinking about you. Know you're busy but I've been wondering how you're doing.

I think awhile ago I mentioned DH and I went to see Wise Cactus and Kin and went hiking. Here's the map and trail descriptions of where we go. Wise Cactus said it was o.k. to share the location of his family's home.