Photo by Melody

Accessible Gardening: #20 Practical Matters for Physically Challenged Gardeners, 3 by Agavegirl1

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Photo of #20 Practical Matters for Physically Challenged Gardeners
Agavegirl1 wrote:
Hi gang, :D

I'm glad that the MRI isn't showing anything 'new'. That is a relief. I'm also happy your doctor is a good one. I'm relieved after all these years I finally found one too. They are so hard to come by. They're almost 'precious' when you find them.
So glad you're getting out and about. Sounds like you need to have a break. Enjoy the concerts.

Kay, I sure hope you're feeling better. Let us know what is in store for you and how you are progressing please? I was thinking of you.

Me, feeling better. Got plenty of rest and feel better. They just come in clusters and go away. Today I've been fine and most likely (fingers crossed) will be for a little bit. Yep. Hate that I have seizures too but...I try, so, so, so hard to just be thankful for people that feel for me, that I have my husband and a good neighbor to help, Zoe to be home with me, and.... you guys! :D It helps to have friends that can grasp the situation. Even if not fully they still 'get it' because they deal with things similar in their lives.

And yes, it is bad but I know it could always be so much worse. I just try to have a 'good attitude' I have to. It is the only way I can cope. Sick or perfectly healthy none of our tomorrows are promised so why not enjoy today and get a few laughs out of life..or try to?

Today I picked up some brick for a new bed and Dave got some things for a little project he's doing. I'm happy I can start work on it soon. We're supposed to get some rain so I'm going to have to delay starting for a few days. That's o.k. There is plenty of little things inside I can keep myself (and DH busy with) :D

I did get the plants. THANKS! They look great. Rinsed the roots clean of all soil first since it wasn't 'native' and to prevent a chance of bugs. Then I got fresh soil and potted them right away. The succulents need to 'perk up' a bit but I believe that is just from travel and being repotted. The Dragon Fruit seems happy. It is currently in a nice ceramic pot on my patio table enjoying the sun. I'm going to let it grow to a decent size before I put it in a bed.

How are your projects coming? How is the family? BTW how is the weight loss thing going?

So happy the sunshine found you! YIPPEE...sun! Are you out dancing in it? I am sorry to hear all that about your garden helper. :{ Poor guy. It has got to be so hard with his wife. I couldn't fathom. Makes my problem look trivial in comparison to cancer. On top of that they're jerking him around with the MRI. Doctors...grrrrrr!

Your garden plans sound real nice. I miss seeing 'flowers' know, those colorful things that don't grow in the desert. My mother always had a beautiful yard/flower beds. Oh well, now I have a different type of flower to enjoy. See, everything has an upside. :D

Can you round up those kids again to give you a hand? You had mentioned they did a real good job.

I'm not even going to talk to you about them 'maters! Let's not go there!

O.K. everyone have a great day.
I have to cook dinner.
Have a great day everyone.
Peace. Out.

1. & 2 My pole cactus is about 4'10" tall now. These are close ups of what looks to be 'arms' starting to form. All excited. :D

3.) New kid on the block. A Torch Cactus ( Trichocereus Grandiflorus) Gets these amazing flowers on it. Already fairly large in a .80 Qt. pot and has several arms already.

Song For the Day: "Good Enough For Us" by XTC ( not INXS)