Photo by Melody

Accessible Gardening: #20 Practical Matters for Physically Challenged Gardeners, 3 by Agavegirl1

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Photo of #20 Practical Matters for Physically Challenged Gardeners
Agavegirl1 wrote:
Hi gang, :D

Carrie, glad they stopped jerking around with that MRI. About time. Floor rot. UH-OH. That doesn't sound good and hopefully it is only minor. Definitely beyond me and my traveling tool kit. :( Sorry. Have to confess ignorance here.

My little rhyme I bear in mind about all home DIY related things is this:

"If you think you can, give it a go.
If you mess it up then rip it out.
It i's no use to pout.
You'll have to pay the pro.
And everyone can say, " I Told you so!"

Save this little rhyme so you can recite it back to me when I start tackling my kitchen and bathroom floors and counters by myself !!! :D
Sigh I'm so sick of looking at them. Let's see Neurologist, staples in the head, Vet bill, upcoming Drs. visit for Dave....sigh. Blah, blah, blah. Yeah whatever. Put on your big girl panties and deal with it, right? I think I have another Kit-Kat somewhere.

Sorry to hear Kay is still sick. Glad Tigger got out for Halloween. I used to celebrate it regularly and go out or host a party. Haven't done it in a long time. Not sure why. I should resurrect that tradition for next year. Also glad she can help. That's good! All I have to say is, Jim please mind your back. Not a whole lot is going to get done if you're in traction.

Kind of chuckled at your description of Nadine's "Stuff". Are you sure she didn't raid our fridge of the leftovers? (LOL). Zoe gets NO people food (eye roll) so Dave and I get a little lazy in that regards to left overs. We do have things that ARE sentient. I jokingly say I keep them for those kids that didn't get their science project done on time. They can just take one of ours in! It is one of my resolutions for next year; to be slightly more diligent with this.

Rain huh? Always a nice surprise if you're not already getting flooded. Ready for this? We got hail 2 days ago! Yesterday...about 45 miles from Phoenix there was an earth quake! It was felt in the Phoenix are but no damage and no one hurt. The Earth quake registered at 4.1, the second about 3 minutes later (after shock) was about 4.0 and the last one the next day was about 3.9. Coming from CA that's something we don't even pause for. It's got to be 6.0 or larger for us to notice.

I know it freaked a lot of people out though. I'm more freaked out by the hail. The earth shifts on its fault lines naturally. When I lived in Ohio we had small earth quakes. That's normal. It isn't normal to hail in the desert when the average temperature is 80 degrees in November.

How about you keep an eye out for dinosaurs and I'll watch for aliens!

Thanks for the dragon fruit. I'm real excited about it since it is so exotic and the blooms are something special! I can't wait to see it.

I'll put some crab cactus in a box for you and send it out in the next week or 2 at the latest. Dave has vacation from the 12-24 so it will be easy for me to get to UPS or the post office at that time. If I can get to it on the 4th or 5th I will. If not it will the week after during Dave's vacation.

It is an easy little bugger to grow. Pop into some cactus soil, water well when soil is completely dry; give it full sun with some dappled shade or mostly sun and some shade; sit back and watch it grow. It grows reasonably fast and the little tips do turn red when stressed (the way fire sticks do). It's a really cut plant. When it gets bigger you can break some pieces off and plant them to start more. Just make sure the pieces are at least 3 inches tall. It doesn't get taller than 1.5 to 2.0 feet max but it does spread.

I'm inclined to agree about your pretty red flower there as being a Mum. The only other thing I could think of would possibly be an Astor/Daisy variety.

Gotta go but here's some fun pics for you.
1.) HAIL on my walkway outside the front door.
2.) Lake front yard after it poured.
3.) Casa Grande Falls; rolling right off my roof and between my 2 Ocotopus Agave and smack dab on top of my Natal Plum below.
4. & 5.) My neighbor's pole cacti across the street. Some variety of Cereus. Beautiful fruit. Sorry to have missed the blooms!

Peace. Out.
TTC. song for the day "Why Can't You Be Like Endicott?" by Kid Creole and the Coconuts.

*Quite the performer; quite the musician; his band is magnificent; and his music such an unusual mix of sounds. He's been around for decades! I dusted off a c.d. the other day and got my husband, a trombone player, hooked on it! Watch the video of his live performance. It is amazing! Let me know what you think of him. *