Photo by Melody

Accessible Gardening: #20 Practical Matters for Physically Challenged Gardeners, 0 by seacanepain

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Photo of #20 Practical Matters for Physically Challenged Gardeners
seacanepain wrote:
Hi Gang! I’ve been off-line due to some technical difficulties. Allergies have Kay totally offline. She’s reading and sleeping and apparently sleep reading. Whenever I have caught her snoring with the audio book still playing and shut it off, she immediately wakes up and tells me, “Hey, I was listening to that
The books haven’t been her usual fare either. I have never known Kay to read chick lit like Calling Invisible Women or unrealistic science fiction like Pandemonium. Imagine Jurassic Park set in caverns underneath the Ural Mountains with creatures even older than dinosaurs and you have the book Pandemonium. Kay’s an Analog: Science Fiction and Fact kind of reader. The science in a book has to pass muster or according to Kay “It lacks verisimilitude.” I had to look that one up the first time she used it. My vocabulary has grown considerably since I hooked up with Kay and I think she has become more efficient since hooking up with me. She always worked hard, but hasn’t always worked smart.
My BIL would probably like LOF for breakfast. He is one of those people who hits the floor running in the a.m. and he doesn’t want anything messing with his momentum and that includes taking time to eat. He will dump his orange juice into his cereal and drink the milk, juice and cereal from the bowl in a few gulps. He answers anyone who calls him on it with, “The food gets all mixed up in your stomach anyway.” Why waste time eating it separately.” He slows down enough by lunch to eat normally. It will be interesting to see how he handles retirement.
I do not believe in the death penalty as long as we have a good prison system. If they let the older of the two young men who tried to kill Kay out, he would not survive long. Too many people want him dead. There is an aspect of prisons most people never think about. They exist not only to protect society from criminals, but also to protect criminals from an angry society. I would not object to his being taken off death row, but there are others who probably would. It isn’t that I don’t think he deserves death. He deserves a long, painful death. I don’t believe in the death penalty because of what it does to the people who pull the switch or give the injection. Even the hardest people will have moments in their lives when performing an act like that will bother them.
I set up and leveled a large raised bed in the vegetable garden. It isn’t filled with soil yet. In a few days I will make a run to the nursery and pick up a truckload of compost. Can I grow anything in straight mushroom compost given it is no longer hot? We have too many earth moving projects going already. Nadi will strangle me if I tell her I made another. It is a LARGE bed.
Beth, there is a cookbook with lots of good recipes for people who have problems chewing the (I can't chew cookbook by Randy J. Wilson is good ). Your Granma has more teeth than I do and I hate wearing dentures. I have an over-developed gag reflex and they trigger it. My dentures are just for Kay’s vanity. She doesn’t want anyone to know she is married to a toothless old man. LOL. It’s no fun robbing the cradle if the man looks older than you.
Hey, Carrie, be a pal and give me a word Kay would not know. She is teasing me because I did not know what duff was. I’ve been reading Adventures of a Verbivore, but considering it is Kay’s book, I doubt I will find a word there to stump her. It has allowed me to drive her up the wall with bad puns though. Richard Letterer, the author, shared some real groaners.
Pix1 Texas Blue Mist flower
Pix2 Basil in flower and friend