Photo by Melody

Perennials: Metal Garden Labels, 0 by Pistil

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Image Copyright Pistil

Subject: Metal Garden Labels

Forum: Perennials

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Photo of Metal Garden Labels
Pistil wrote:
A few years ago I decided to do a better job labeling my plants. I spent a few winter evenings on DG, reading about what DGers had done. I then bought a big box of stainless steel labels with stakes, and a Brother P-Touch label maker with the Indoor/Outdoor White labels.
Problems I found:
1- I had to buy a bolt cutter to make the stakes shorter, my soil is so rocky they stuck up too far!
Solved. I bought a bolt cutter and shorten as needed.
2- The label maker was pretty complicated, and the instructions got an F- in my grade book.
Sort of solved, I can make labels. The labels have not faded, stay stuck on the metal perfectly so far
3- The white labels are too bright and noticeable in the garden
Solved, went back to Staples and bought clear Indoor/Outdoor labels.(anyone want lots of white ones?)
4- The stainless steel is too shiny and bright, especially in the sun, when big glinting reflections show up 200 feet away. This is the worst problem.

For the reflection problem, I bought a can of spray paint at Ace Hardware- UV protect Matte Finish Clear Coat that supposedly sticks to metal and plastic. I sprayed a few coats on to the entire thing after sticking the clear label on. Here are the results-it seems better. I will see if it stays stuck, and is enough better that I want to use it. I sprayed it on the stake too.

Photos not great, it is hard to get the brightness of the sun reflection to show up.

The Pacific Coast Iris died, but not as a result of poor labeling. They are the devil to get going, even on the Pacific Coast.