Photo by Melody

Accessible Gardening: #19 Practical Matters for Physically Challenged Gardeners , 4 by Agavegirl1

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Forum: Accessible Gardening

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Photo of #19 Practical Matters for Physically Challenged Gardeners
Agavegirl1 wrote:
BetNC you did tell me! See it's them meds and CRS Syndrome. Now since you said you did annually visit family in a small-ish town S. of Tucson do you still visit? I am N. or Tucson approximately 1 hour. See me waving to you? :P
That's funny about your son and the bathroom. Men aren't too particular are they when it comes to the bathroom? Also the reason why we have a "his" and "her" bathroom. Since we don't have kids we each have our own bathroom. Sigh...his idea of "cleaning it" and mine are two very different things. Since I only want my self, my husband and the dog living in the house I clean it. He does clean the toilet though prior to my going in there! I still can't believe your son's aim was so bad he had to take the seat off (LOL).
Your flowers are so lovely. I don't really know what they have to complain about. I wish I could grow things other than cacti sometimes. It would be nice to have some real color and fragrance. They should feel privileged they have someone like you living there that gives a hoot and keeps the place as nice as you do. You obviously add to the beauty of the place and make others feel like they could want to live there. You don't take away from it. They're crazy to complain. Just crazy!
Anyhow here's some bubble garden pictures again. This is the newer fun stuff. I'm still adding when I can. But this is what I've got so far.