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Accessible Gardening: #19 Practical Matters for Physically Challenged Gardeners , 4 by Agavegirl1

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Photo of #19 Practical Matters for Physically Challenged Gardeners
Agavegirl1 wrote:
Hi gang,
Yes the mighty cactus is always so wise in the wisdom they speak. That is why I talk to them.
Uhm...don't quite know what's wrong with fuzzy head prickly pear. All I can say is perpetual moisture + heat + cactus = bad! It sounds like it has some kind of fungus or rot. Check the plant files. Could easily just break this peace off to keep from spreading or there may be some kind of "rub"/"salve" to put on to keep it from spreading. I dunno.
Succulents I gave up on out here. Either I watered and sunned them as they required and they got a nice nutty toasted brown from being fried in the sun. Then I move them and they wilt or go brittle like potato chips. Better yet I water them more and they turn to black goo. :0
I found I'm not the only person who does this. Other experienced S.W. gardeners do. In essence the majority of us don't grow succulents.
All I do know is that almost any plant just loves humidity if it isn't getting water in addition to it. I've stopped watering mine when the humidity is up and they're just sucking in the sticky air and getting green and happy. (All cactus are succulents BUT not all succulents are cactus). Now that little fun fest is over. Back to 104 + temps with low to no humidity. Oh, August is coming. Get ready for the nose bleeds.
Jim and Kay your place sounds amazing. All of those things to eat. I think my produce trips to the grocery store would be a little more limited also. I wouldn't know most of them right off the bat, but with a book/field guide I'm sure I would. Berries and such are obvious. My luck I'd bring home poison ivy and "magic" mushrooms (LOL). Hey....I'm a city girl and I grow cacti, o.k.!
I agree. It is a pity about J. She does sound well suited to take over Armargia's work. I do not see drug and alcohol dependence as a weakness in ones own moral or social fiber. If that's the case every one of us that had some habit, reliance or addiction to anything in this world would be a social derelict. There would be a church and a recovery center next to every McDonald's, PetSmart or Tollz and cactus shop right? No, it is definitely physical but there are social and psychological characteristics that come into play also.
Venice Beach is cool. Been there. Nice place. So-so neighborhood. Get's a bad rap because of the boardwalk. The boardwalk is like a stage. Everyone goes there to "perform" and be seen. It is kind of a carnival atmosphere. It's just kind of expected no matter who you are you turn up at V.B. and just be as kooky and weird as you can. Problem is this harmless fun got taken over by drug addicts and problem makers and now you can't tell the good time/day time harmless weirdos from the bad ones and the panhandlers and the hustlers. Ruined the fun and the property value and the beach for everyone. :[
Maybe she just needs something to care about more than herself? People say ,"Oh so and so doesn't care about themselves that's why they use drugs." I don't think so. I think they care very much for themselves. What they want, what they want to do, what they need, etc. all comes first above everyone else. Obviously J. wants to do drugs first and foremost. Maybe when she "finds something" she wants to do first and foremost above that she'll stop. It is just all a matter of motivation.
You can't motivate her. BUT you may be able to help her discover what motivates herself. :P
Leadership is a great motivator. Maybe let her take on some and see what type of "manager" she becomes?

As for food you got me with the dates! I didn't think of that one. I didn't think of Yucca's or Dragon Fruit either. Now would Dragon Fruit stand up to these Arid conditions?
I did mention certain cactus. Below are some pictures of one that we all know are edible.
Pic #1 is a fruit from a Prickly Pear in palm of my hand.
Pic #2 is same fruit but in cereal bowl.
Pic# 3 is the Prickly Pear plant that this fruit came from. I have no idea the age on this beast or how long this plant has been here. Judging from the fact it is about the same size as the automobile I would say about 25-35 years old.
Pic #4. Not a food source. Three dimensional area rug named Zoe at Christmas (few months prior to 10th b-day in April.) Santa was good to her and brought her lots of new toys. :D

Ohhhh.....Kaaaaayy! Husband is finger tapping and pacing. Means he wants computer. Will address the botanical garden and Kay :D later.
TT2C/ Agave