Photo by Melody

Southwest Gardening: What is everyone doing now that planting is over? , 3 by Agavegirl1

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Photo of What is everyone doing now that planting is over?
Agavegirl1 wrote:
Hi Crista,
Sounds like you had some fun with your projects. Cool you got a second place to garden also...your parents! I think my neighbors want to draft me but since they rent are kind of hesitant. Although they haven't complained about the fact my plants have crept over just a little on that space "in between" our houses.
That's so cool about the succulent collection. The types, sizes, shapes, colors and varieties are just astounding and it seems like you could collect forever and not have them all. Kind of like shoes. Nice and smart of your husband to build a shade screen to keep the plants happy. Happy plants = happy and busy mother-in-law. :P Smart guy! My husband is kind of learning this equation in terms of me also.
Looked at the dragon trees on line as I had not heard of them before. Beautiful and interesting plants. Perfect for indoors also! Now I know what to put in that corner. Former house had all kinds of light and amazing windows but the way the light fell outside made gardening a bit of a challenge. Let's just say this house one is solar challenged indoors and amazing out.
You'll have to post some pics if you can of those shade screens. I don't even want to show you what my D.I.Y. shade tents look like. (red face). Maybe I can get some better ideas on how to make/construct them?
I posted some pics. Number 1 is the space along the side of my house that borders the walk way to the front door. It is about 1 foot wide by 14 feet long. This is what I want to make my succulent bed. (On the other side of the walk way is where I have my natal plum). This space gets full intense sun from approximately 5:00a.m. until 1:00 in the afternoon at which point it passes over the walkway and the space is in 100% shade.
So come Spring this is where I want to plant. I'm researching presently types of succulents that can stand high temps and sun and won't collapse and toast. Can I borrow your mom for awhile?
Pics 2-4 are my new Agave. Now I'm almost positive it is an A. parrasama. It could also be A. potatorium. I'm hoping someone makes a positive I.D. for me (I asked on that forum). I just love this plant but knowing my love for the Century Plant (we all got a favorite) I'd be so much more excited if it was the century plant that got the fat, odd shaped, stalk. It would be so unique to have in the garden. I'm hoping the plant mystery will be solved soon. Either way I love the look of this guy.

Let me know how the installation of the tepary beans go! :P
Keep planting and planning away!