Photo by Melody

Perennials: Penstemon 'Husker Red', 2 by DonnaMack

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Photo of Penstemon 'Husker Red'
DonnaMack wrote:
Birder, how cool.

This observation came from my mentor, the first Master Gardener in my county - going back 30 years. She's great. As we were clearing the Prairie Garden this year, we had a mix of the native and Husker Red. She had pointed this out to us last year, and frankly, having actually purchased this plant, I just love getting it for nothing. It is an amazing plant, because it will grow and flower with no water or care, and I used to tuck it between aggressive plants and it held its own.

I have it in several places in my new home, but check out, at my former home, the way it holds its own against some really pushy plants. I used to pit the pushies against each other and let them battle to a draw: here anemone x hybrida 'Honorine Jobert', salvia verticillata 'White Rain', and bayberries, for goodness sake. It held its own.

Look at the second picture, for heaven's sake. Pushy bayberries on the ground. Pushy anemones. Taking up all the water and the space. The Husker Red just put on its boxing gloves and kept going. And looking great! I can dig it up, throw it in my car trunk for two or three days, and then plant and water it and it comes out swinging.

Every year I help cull more of these beauties. Bring 'em on!