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Indoor Gardening and Houseplants: Maple leaf begonia monster, 1 by hcmcdole

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In reply to: Maple leaf begonia monster

Forum: Indoor Gardening and Houseplants

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Photo of Maple leaf begonia monster
hcmcdole wrote:
I move 99% of mine outdoors for summer and may have close to half outdoors now even though we are still having some very cool mornings (46 this morning). Some plants can take full sun but acclimate them to full sun much like getting a tan. I start a lot of mine under the deck or under shade trees and then start moving them to more and more sun as the summer heats up. Most cane begonias can take full sun and bloom better but you must keep them watered. Even rhizomatous and the newer coleus can take full sun but do take note of any burning - if they burn, move them to more shade to find a happy location.

Elephant ears can take full sun as well. Here are a few of my "aroids" from last summer where they got sun from 10 until late evening. Some may have gotten some shade during the day but most were in full sun all day.