Photo by Melody

Specialty Gardening: Bare Dirt to Cottage Garden (in Pictures), 3 by GingerGaia

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Photo of Bare Dirt to Cottage Garden (in Pictures)
GingerGaia wrote:
Caitin, I love the mint in between. It gets too hot and humid here for Corsican mint, for anything that tiny really.
Pat, you have no idea how hard it was watching so many plants lost to my illness. Pain? Phooy- you learn to live with that- but watching your hubby weed eat down hundreds of prized plants? Now that I grieved over big time. Watching teens from a church youth group proudly show how they weeded your wall for you and trying not to cry at all that lovely slow growing "pink Chintz" Thyme thrown in with all the weeds. Well- God gave me grace so I didn't hurt their feelings. But that was a hard pill to swallow.
I'm at the point now I just count my blessings with every plant that did survive hubby, teens, drought, weeds and still keep blooming. Believe it or not- Outside of my daylilies and La. Iris, Roses proved toughest of all. They are own rooted.
here are some of my wall pics: The first one shows my lovely thyme. I was so proud last year of plating and getting to bloom nasturums ( don't like heat) I actually drove down to that spot , stepped out, plated them and drove back into carport. I think planting something last spring was a real turning point for me. This year The sedums are filling back in ( teens) and the mini roses survived their "haircut from hubby", I planted violas , snaps and sweet Williams to fill in last fall and the Rain Lilies have really multiplied while I was gone. They must have been dormant still when the teens came. As soon as it's all blooming I'll post pics.