Photo by Melody

Caudiciforms: Pelargonium dasycaulon, 0 by Pistil

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Image Copyright Pistil

Subject: Pelargonium dasycaulon

Forum: Caudiciforms

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Photo of Pelargonium dasycaulon
Pistil wrote:
I have had my Pelargonium dasycaulon for almost two years. I have discovered it is a "winter grower". I think maybe it is considered a sort of caudiciform, so I have chosen this forum to ask my questions:
1-this winter I watered it more than before, about twice a week. It has grown much better and is quite lush. However, it has fallen over. It started displaying this tendency as soon as I bought it, and when I potted it up I angled it so it was growing up like a palm tree. It has no soft spot on the stem, so does not seem to have the dreaded rot. Now winter is ending. Should I pot it up and try again to make it seem upright? New growth is now aimed up, and there is this little sprout near the base, aimed directly upwards, so maybe I should let that take over?
2-If you look at where it emerges from the soil it seems very fat. Do I let this show more and have a big fat caudex on this species?
3-winter is now ending, but it is growing very strongly with lots of new buds. Should I pot it up now or wait until fall?
4-I have the heavy horizontal stem now propped on a neighboring glazed clay pot. Is there a better way?