Photo by Melody

Bulbs: What bulbs did you plant last fall? , 4 by gemini_sage

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Image Copyright gemini_sage

Subject: What bulbs did you plant last fall?

Forum: Bulbs

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Photo of What bulbs did you plant last fall?
gemini_sage wrote:
While anxiously awaiting spring and all those early blooms from bulb plants, lets amp up the excitement by discussing all those bulbs we planted in the fall! I'm a bulb nut, and had gone a few years without adding new bulbs. So the last 2 years I've been making up for lost time, with orders spread out between Van Engelen, Brent and Becky's, Old House Gardens, Colorblends, and a few from local box stores. Just over 2000 bulbs planted in fall of 2013, and again just over 2000 in fall of last year. It sounds like a lot, but about half of them were small bulbs, various Scilla, Chionodoxa, Crocus, Snowdrops, Anemone blanda, and several varieties of Muscari. I like to plant little bulbs in drifts of 50-100 bulbs, so that the little beauties can really shine and make a statement. Quite a few Daffodils, Hyacinths and Tulips in the mix as well.

When I began the gardens here, I focused on larger quantities of Daffodils that multiply quickly to get some nice big drifts of color. After 7 years many have been divided and spread out around the gardens in large clumps, so recent additions are just what I call "starter clumps", of 5 bulbs per variety (sometimes 3, in the case of Old House Gardens), so that I could try as many new (to me) varieties as possible.

What new additions are you excited to see this spring? Where did you plant them? How did you combine them with other plants?