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Central Midwest Gardening: July 2012-Plants shriveling up already, 5 by shortleaf

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Photo of July 2012-Plants shriveling up already
shortleaf wrote:
Sally, is that a tongue twister?! Wouldn't your Dad's cousin's Aunts be his Aunts?! I'm only being silly, you know how I try to be funny and all! lol The keyword being try!
I think we all have a pretty good sense of humor here!

Are you sure Sally?! Prickly-Pear is hardy there I'm pretty sure! Okay, don't be surprised if a pad shows up in your mailbox!

I vaguely remember it raining SOMETIME this Summer. I remember it filled my rainbarrel up, but it's been empty for a while now.

I definitely have enuff pots, I would like to propagate many of my plants like you do with the free pile, Sally, but the neighbors and city here are so uptight about "clutter", I'm afraid they'd see those pots sitting around as debris.

I bought a not cheap drill bit for cutting drain holes in a deep glass dish that I was going to use as a succulent planter dish. Will it work, anybody think? The guy at the store says no bit will cut tempered glass, is a deep dinner dish, tempered glass? I won't be able to return this bit after I open the package. I know car windows are tempered glass and storm doors but I don't know about dishes.

I got a clump of about 20 evergreen Hens And Chicks yesterday from my Sister. I don't know if she remembers it, but about 8 years ago I gave her one big one that I just bought for a dollar and she planted it, now she has like 200 of them. I remember it back in the day, I said, "you can have any plant you want, go ahead pick one", she picked the one I just bought. Here they are by the glass bowl that I want to drill. -

Thanks, you like the driftwood too, billyp? It came from a Virginia beach. My friend's Sister is a big driftwood artsy type. Now, I think if she was just as friendly, everything would be fine! That driftwood has probably been in a box here for 10 or more years.

Thanks billyp, for the compliment on the rocks, I need to re-arrange them a little yet. For example, that one side where the rocks are curved I think would look better if it was in a straight line.

I re-arranged them today, I started writing my post before I did it, here it is now, not much different, just moved over a little and in a straight line.

See some plants that lost their leaves to conserve energy? The leaves come back next year. There's my other cactus, it's a Chainlink Cholla I believe, it's a cutting plant from years ago.

Here is some of those 12 foot tall Sunflowers, right now they are about 12 centimeters tall! They grow fast, they got a lot of growing to do yet! I hope they have time!